Sunday, May 25, 2014

A Little Blurb About Memorial Day

I am such a sap when it comes to our military. I think of the sacrifices they have all made and the floodgates open. (By the end of this post, no doubt I will have tears running down my cheeks.) And honestly, I can't even truly appreciate the sacrifice because none of my immediate family was ever in the military. I did get to experience something that not many people have though. Last year, we drove to Gettysburg for the 150th anniversary of the battle. We took the boys with us as well. 

Our camp

We dressed in period clothing, and we camped out, just like the soldiers did in 1863. The weather was hot, and we were miserable. All I could think about were the luxuries we had, like ice, coolers, and delicious food, prepared over a fire by a guy we dubbed as "I Love You". We had corn on the cob, steak, scrambled eggs and bacon, and other delicious foods that I know no one had 150 years ago. We were able to drive right up to camp and unload our belongings. We did not have to drag them with us as we walked for miles and miles. We had the luxury of being with family and friends, and not having to worry about any real battles. I was able to look forward to a nice long shower. I had sunscreen. We took a break and went to a museum with air conditioning. It is incredibly difficult to fully imagine what it was like back then. 

The clothing we wore. ALL WEEKEND.

The scale of the event was small in comparison to the real battle. I still can not wrap my head around how they communicated with each other. There were no satellites. There were co cell phones. There were no fax machines. It amazes me they could coordinate any type of unified effort to win a war. 

A very VERY tiny portion of Pickett's Charge.

I see posts on Facebook from families that are separated right now and it breaks my heart. I am glad that technology allows our troops to better communicate with those back home. I can't imagine how hard it must have been waiting weeks or months just to get a letter. At least now there is Facetime and Skype. 

After Gettysburg, we went to Washington D.C. and stopped by several war memorials, including the World War II Memorial. My grandfather served in the war, although stateside. I am still proud that he served. The memorial is beautiful, and I'm glad it was completed in time for some of the veterans of the war to see it in person. They deserve that honor. My grandfather was invited on the Honor Flight a couple of years ago. He said it was a very emotional experience.

I am glad we could take the time to go on the trip last summer. I think the boys won't fully appreciate it until they are adults. I know I didn't. 

Let's take time this Memorial Day to thank all of the fine men and women who have served and are currently serving our country, as well as remembering all of our loved ones who have passed. This is the land of the free, BECAUSE of the brave. 

Saturday, May 10, 2014

Mother's Day 2008

This year I will be pampering my mom (and by default my dad as well) with a nice Mother's Day lunch. I will celebrate a week late with the boys, and that is fine by me. I hate to say it, but Mother's Day is much more enjoyable without the kids.

6 years ago, I wrote a blog on MySpace (I know, right?) about my Mother's Day. It's funny to me now, but I was pretty pissed off 6 years ago. Enjoy!

Sunday, May 11, 2008 
Happy Fucking Mother’s Day to Me

It is 10:30am.

This is how my mother's day has gone so far.

The kids were quiet for about a half hour this morning, then decided they were going to fight with each other, and yell at each other, and tattle on each other....

I told them to get dressed so we could go get donuts. Tyler did great, but Jake complained that he had NOTHING to wear. He had clothes from last year that he didn't want anymore.  So I told him to get a job so he could buy his own clothes. After a lot more bitching he finally got dressed.

We go to Hy-Vee so I can get a chocolate frosted fried cinnamon, my favorite, and Jake says, "I don't like those."  I replied, "I don't care, I do."

When we got to the store, the parking lot was packed, so I had to park far away... no big deal, except today is windy enough to blow away a small dog.  We grab a basket, go inside, and go to the bakery. They have rearranged everything, and the donuts are no longer in a case where the employees have to get them for you, but are in a self-serve type case.  And guess what? They have plenty of maple frosted fried cinnamons (gross), but practically nothing else. No long johns, no bismarks.. so I decided we're just going to get Hostess chocolate Donettes. The kids of course complain. We grab some other groceries, including a gallon of skim milk, and a half gallon of chocolate milk, and some food for tonight.  And I saw something that caught my eye.. Smirnoff Pomegranite Martini.  Already mixed up and ready to drink.  I figure "why not"?

We get checked out and leave the store. I am carrying 2 bags plus milk, and Jake has one bag. We push through the wind to the car, and I pop the trunk.  While rearranging bags, and my purse, I dropped the gallon of milk, which exploded all over my shoes and my jeans.

I hope next year's Mother's Day can be spent child free, on a massage table somewhere...

And let me tell you how happy I am that I brought home some alcohol! Good impulse buy! I have a feeling I am REALLY going to need a glass at the end of today.....

I never went back in to buy more milk. If that happened now, I would send Tyler in to get it for me. He rides his bike to Hansen's with a backpack and is our "milkman" during the summer when he's here. I LOVE that they are older now and can fend for themselves and actually help me out a bit. They still fight and yell and tattle, but I can't expect any different, since my brother and I fought throughout childhood as well. 

Here are some of my favorite pictures of the boys from that summer (2008): 

Cheesy Monkeys
Selfie before they became all the rage.

Pic #1:Ty is being pretty good. Pic #2: Jake is being pretty good. NEVER at the same time though. 

And to show how much they have grown up. Five years later, at the end of summer 2013, Jake is almost my height. I'm mad at myself for not thinking to take these photos every year. 

Thank you, Jacob Harrison and Tyler Elliott, for frustrating me, making me laugh, teaching me patience, and getting me off my ass to have fun playing with you. I wouldn't want it any other way. 
