Sunday, February 21, 2010

This looks a little like my diary, circa 1986

I googled myself today and found a comment I had left on a friend's blog. That led to looking through several of my other friends' blogs, and then onto my own. It seems no one is writing. I couldn't find anything in 2010. And it got me thinking... This looks a hell of a lot like my diary when I was a kid. I would write that I promised to write more and months later was the next entry, promising the same thing. Do we all make these promises? Life just gets in the way?

I feel it's healthy to get it all out, and if we can do that with a little humor and a lot of sarcasm, then it might as well be on a blog for all to see and to enjoy. People love to read about other people. So I am really going to try to be a little more consistent with entries. It might be my only way of "meditating" since I can never seem to turn my brain off to actually meditate.

So... Dear Readers. It has been months since my last entry. I am still jobless. I want to start my own business staging homes but am hitting a wall of reluctance with realtors. So I am considering getting my real estate license. I will do more research before jumping on the bandwagon, but it could come in very handy if Eric wants to own rental properties.

My boys are still in Des Moines, and I have discovered that I truly love being the "fun parent." It's not me constantly on Jake to get his homework done. I'll have more face to face time with them than their dad, and don't have the stress of getting them home from school, getting homework done, getting dinner made and getting them to bed on time. I get to hang out and watch movies and eat pizza in the living room and play Nerf and play games and take trips. And once it's nice out again we'll get to do a lot outside as well. It's not so bad.

I'm still making jewelry, though not as much, and my goal this next week is to get it all posted on It's a very cool site for handmade objects. Hopefully it will help get the word out, and I can make a little money on the side while I am trying to get the staging business off the ground.

Well... that is about all for now. I promise (fingers crossed behind my back) that I will post more frequently.

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