Monday, June 28, 2010

10 Things I learned Sturgis Falls Weekend

10. You actually CAN have too many mini donuts.

9. House guests are not the greatest idea when you're the director of the bandshell and are tied to event ALL weekend.

8. Sound guys are named Mouse and Chi-Chi.

7. Sleep is over rated.

6. Mother Nature had great timing with overnight storms instead of storming during the day.

5. The parade can be missed and life moves on.

4. She needs to send a thank you letter to Secret deodorant for keeping her from stinking from sweating all day, every day.

3. It can be fun being the bike police and moving unattended bikes to bike racks.

2. The other directors that she has had all of 10 hours contact with since meeting, are REALLY great people and she loved actually getting to know a lot of them better.

1. It was TOTALLY worth volunteering for the position, and giving her weekend to her home town.