Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Michelin Man vs. Stay Puft Marshmallow Man

Have you ever wondered who would win a battle between the Michelin Man and the Stay Puft Marshmallow Man if they were the same size? I only ask because as I flip through an old Reader's Digest given to me by my parents (they have different ways of recycling than most of us) I see an advertisement for Michelin, and all I can see when I look at the puffy white (what the hell is this guy made of anyway?) dude, is the very large, very unhappy giant marshmallow that came after the Ghostbusters in the 1984 movie of the same name.

I posted this exact question as my status on Facebook, and got various answers, that sided with both characters, my favorite being, "Michelin is like rubber, Stay Puff is like glue, whater Stay Puff says bounces off Michelin and sticks to you!" (Thank you Eric Benson).

Let's analyze just a moment. Michelin looks very happy. Stay Puft was angry, though you really can't tell from this picture. Believe me when I say he was really pissed before they zapped him. Stay Puft is a sailor though... military training. Michelin has the "big guns." Ok. I really can't tell. I can only picture them now in sumo wrestling garb with black ponytails and goatees.

Seriously. What the hell is the Michelin Man made of? Literal "softness" for your ride on the road?

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